Abby, my wife, is a kindergarten teacher in Omro, WI. Every year one of the classes has the "chick unit". Basically the class gets a bunch of eggs from a local farmer and raises them until they are small chicks. I love chicks. I HAD to document this. One day I was lucky to see one of them hatch. It was so AWESOME!
Here is a slideshow of the process and a few portraits of the chicks at the end:
Lots of Chicks!!!
Ken. This is hilarious to me! When I was in fourth grade, we did something very similar to this, but not really. We had a local farmer bring in his fertilized eggs that were kept in an incubator to be hatched. Every week we had to break open an egg, and see the growth of the baby chick! It was disgusting. Only a few eggs actually hatched (survived) and we were able to see the chicks. This is also the reason I haven't been able to eat eggs until just two years ago, and it's really only the whites I'm comfortable with. Your story is much more wholesome and better for the kids :-)
Hey Ken its Lance. Great job on the slide show, it turned out great.
Hope to see you soon
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