Monday, July 06, 2015

Green Bay Wedding Photography of Amanda and James

Up next is the wedding of Amanda and James.  They got married this last Saturday on the 4th of July.  I first met Amanda and James two years ago as James was the best man for his brother's wedding that I photographed.  It is great seeing families again and it's nice to catch up.  What a fantastic day it was.  We were blessed with great weather all day.  I met up with the girls at the hotel to get some getting ready pictures while my second met up with the guys.  After the wedding we went to the Green Bay Botanical Gardens for family and group pictures.  Once those were done we got some killer pictures of Amanda and James around the garden grounds.  Then the night was finished up with a crazy reception that may have involved sparklers.  Check out the slide show and the rest of the pictures below:

Amanda's and James' Wedding Slide Show

All of the pictures (Click here to order too!)

You can click on the pictures below to view larger:

Thanks for looking and if you would like to see more awesome wedding photography check out Ken Cravillion Photography at

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