Friday, June 19, 2015

Oshkosh Wedding Photography of Courtney and Jon

Last Saturday we had a great day at the Paine Art Center and Gardens for the wedding of Courtney and Jon.  The day started out with a chance of rain.  It held off until about half way through the ceremony.  Everyone was a little damp but still happy.  After getting most of the family pictures done under shelter the rain finally let up and we made some awesome pictures around the Paine grounds.  We had great overcast light and everything was saturated which made for great colorful pictures.  After pictures we headed to the Oshkosh Convention Center for their reception.  Check out the slide show and pictures below! 

Courtney's and Jon's Wedding Slide Show

All of the pictures (you can order here!)

Click on the pictures below to view larger!

Check out more awesome Oshkosh wedding photography at Ken Cravillion Photography!

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