Friday, January 11, 2013

Select Pictures From 2012 - Ken Cravillion Photography

Here are some select highlights from 2012.  I'd say there's quite a variety as you can see below.

Click on the pictures to view them larger.

First we'll start off with a few left over pictures from a trip in 2011 to Minnesota.  I'm finally getting around to processing many of the images so that's why you see these two from that trip...

Next are a few pictures from some weddings and portraits that I've done this year...

I also had the chance to photograph some pretty neat cars.  These are pictures made using a carbon fiber boom.

Next up are some images from a Fall trip to the Porcupine Mountains in upper Michigan.  I got lucky and hit the peak color just right.  Also had an amazing display of northern lights over Lake Superior.  I made the aurora images maybe 15 steps from my campsite.

I got the chance to make some pictures for the Air Venture merchandise catalog during the week long event.  This image was from a shoot at the sea plane base just off Lake Winnebago.

And finally, how could I leave out a picture of my two little girls.  Maddy and Aurora.

Thank you for your time and enjoy the pictures! 

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