Saturday, January 26, 2008

Website Update

Just completed an update of the wedding photography portion of my website. Lots of new and great pictures to look thru. You'll also find a couple new slide shows including Gwen and Dave who are my first wedding for 2008!

Monday, January 14, 2008

More Baby!

Just another random baby picture. Four months old!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Gwen and Dave

Had a great weekend shooting Gwen's and Dave's wedding down in Madison on January 5th. They were a lot of fun. I found out that they met playing frisbee. That makes them even cooler now! :) I hope to have their slide show up soon!

The scary part of the day was driving home to Oshkosh in the dense fog. Won't do that again! :)

Friday, January 04, 2008

Two Wedding Weekend

Man! What a busy weekend! Had a wedding on the 28th in Appleton and the 29th all the way up in Iron Mountain, MI.

First, here are a couple pictures from the 28th. Lynn and Jason were a great couple to hang out with. It was a pretty snowy day. Despite that we took some photos outdoors. Lynn just had open-toed shoes on! Cold feet for sure! :)

On Saturday I drove up to Iron Mountain. What a neat town. I've passed thru there going elsewhere but never really stopped to look around. I'm glad Theresa and Uly had me up there to photograph their wedding.

Before I went home the next day I stopped by Ski Brule to ride the snowboard. The weather was perfect. Only bummer was it was so dang busy. Guess the holiday weekend had something to do with that. I left a bit early and listened to the Packer game on the way home.